Domande Frequenti


In this section you will be able to ask the information you did not find on the website. We will be happy to answer and to use any suggestions to improve our service.
In here you can read the most frequently asked questions, if you don’t find it send an e-mail to the Public Relations Office:

Q: Where can I find the clinic?
A: The “Regina Pacis” clinic is located in San Cataldo (CL). It is easily reachable by car or public transport. Detailed directions to reach it can be found in the section – How to reach us –

Q: What is the operator number?
A: The number of the switchboard is 0934.515201; other telephone numbers are present in the Main Contacts section

Q: Are you affiliated with the National Health Service?
A: The “Regina Pacis” nursing home has an accreditation with the Italian SSN (National Health System)

Q: Do you have any agreements with private insurances or associations?
A: The “Regina Pacis” clinic has several private agreements with insurance companies, health care funds and other companies. The agreements provide for discount conditions for healthcare services (both surgical and diagnostic); visit the Conventions page in the website.
Q: What are your Clinical Specialties?
A: The Clinical Specialties are indicated in the list “ Outpatient Services” and in the Departments sections. Furthermore, you can also look at the doctor’s curricula.

Q: How many Oupatient Services are there? How many operating rooms? And what about the recoveries?
A: The outpatient activity is carried out in 7 equipped rooms and they are distributed in the 4 floors of the building.
There are 5 operating room, one of them for Endoscopy.
The recovery rooms are distributed all over 3 floors, some of them have one bed, others have more than one beds. They are equipped with an independent toilet, television and telephone.

Q: How many beds are there in the Structure?
A: The total number of beds is 45.

Q: How can I book a health care?
A: You can make your reservation:
– in person at the acceptance (Plan 0)
– by telephone, calling the number 0934.515201
– by fax (0934.572434)
– from website in the Reservations section
For some exams, for which a preparation is required, specific directions are given at the time of booking.
In any case, online booking is recommended.

Q: Is the prescription of the attending physician or specialist physician required to book a service?
A: Yes but only if you are able to benefit from the National Health Service.
A: No, in case you want to access a specialist visit or surgery in a solvent.

Q: Do I have to bring documents?
A: Yes, at the time of acceptance and before the medical visit. You must bring:
– Identity card
– Fiscal Code
– Regional services card (regional health card)

Q: I booked a visit at 11:00. What time do I have to show up and where?
A: It is always advised to show up 1/2 hour before the time of the visit you booked to carry out the acceptance procedures (registration of personal data, payments, etc). Here you will be given the necessary directions to reach the clinic.

Q: Is it possible to delegate the withdrawal of the exam reports?
A: Yes, by delivering the delegation and presenting a valid ID.

Q: Is it possible to consult my report via Internet?
A: No.

Q: What is the visiting time allowed for relatives of in-patients?
A: In respect of the patient’s rights there are no strict limits for visits to inpatients. However, to make the work of the nursing staff easier, please try to respect the following timetable:
WEEKDAYS: 13.00-14.00 / 19.00-21.00
HOLIDAYS DAYS: 10.00-12.00 / 19.00-21.00

Pianeta Salute

Gli ultimi anni hanno visto una pericolosa, e spesso dolorosa, impennata nella circolazione di notizie in molti casi inesatte, in troppi infondate e in molti altri, deliberatamente e maliziosamente, false, con ricadute a volte drammatiche sulla salute di singoli cittadini o di intere fasce della popolazione.
La Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri (FNOMCeO) ha deciso di scendere in campo, con strumenti nuovi, per arginare questo fenomeno, in difesa dei cittadini e degli operatori.

Dottoremaeveroche nasce come porto sicuro nel mare in tempesta della disinformazione in ambito sanitario. Avete un dubbio? Qui troverete una risposta, costruita sulla base delle evidenze scientifiche giudicate più affidabili per il rigore e l’indipendenza che le hanno prodotte.
Un’informazione seria, solida e trasparente, corredata da tutti i dovuti riferimenti bibliografici, al tempo stesso resa immediata e accessibile a tutti gli utenti, grazie alla collaborazione di persone che lavorano da anni nella comunicazione in ambito scientifico.
